The Regularly Scheduled TV Show Blog

Friday, March 03, 2006

Lost 2.15: That Once Was Lost is Found Again.

The Others are actually not "The Others", but really other Others. If you know what I mean...Yeah, you probably don't.

This week's episode of Lost was another in a line of revealing episodes as Claire's memory of lost time from her kidnapping in season one is returned in flashes. After Claire's child starts a fever, she starts to have flashbacks triggered by the return of Rousseau and the help of the shrink Libby. It's a lady's only adventure as Kate, Rousseau, and Claire backtrack to the place she was taken during her stint with the late Ethan. A great episode that revealed quite a bit, including the tidbit that there are most likely two different groups of "Others" and there is indeed an infection that requires a vaccine.

On their adventures, they find a Dharma medical bunker where Claire was to give over her child to Ethan and his group; this includes the bearded man from the boat. That is until Alex, Rousseau's daughter, chooses to save Claire, despite her objection. The motives of the "Dharma Others" (that's their name now ok?) are unclear as they seem to only focus on the younglings, Walt and Claire's baby, but have very little care for the adults. On the other hand, the other group can now be called the "Infected Others" and seem to be at war with the "Dharma Others". They appear to take everyone and infect them? Well, at least we know now that there are two factions of "Others" and the survivors of Flight 815.

Other revelations include that the vaccine used on Claire's baby while under the "Dharma Others" was seen being used by a previous person. Desmond while escaping the hatch while the counter was going down injected himself with the same vaccine. How he knows about it and the infection is still unknown. Lastly, there seems to be some sort of connection between Oceanic Airlines and the Dharma Company. In the crib of the nursery, there was a mobile of airplanes, airplanes that have the logo of Oceanic Airlines on them.

Next week's episode proves to have some plot significance, as "Snarl", AKA Ana Lucia, decides to track down the air balloon the man in the hatch, Henry, says he came from. Most likely this air balloon was the one Desmond was flying across the Pacific in. Also, a briefcase that may reveal insights into the past of Kate is found. Although next week's episode appears to have some possible plot significance, it won't compare to the many revelations that occurred in this week's episode.


  • Hell yes. Finally an episode with some answers. And then some new questions.

    The lack of Jack made this episode.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:05 PM, March 04, 2006  

  • Jack really has been a bit on the annoying side lately.

    By Blogger Oliver Lieu, at 8:48 PM, March 04, 2006  

  • claire is on the annoying side of herself. especially when she combines the words "my" and "baby."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:27 AM, March 05, 2006  

  • HAHA, all Claire needs do to is toss in "dingo" into a sentence with "my" and "baby" and I'm sure they will get rescued. That's my ultimate Lost theory.

    By Blogger Oliver Lieu, at 11:42 PM, March 05, 2006  

  • Yeah, the lack of Jack really did make this episode shine...

    By Blogger iomegadrive, at 5:50 PM, March 07, 2006  

  • so wait, i'm confused, how do we know there are two groups of others? i noticed the theatrical glue, so i figured out that the bearded other guy was actually that clean cut guy, so i just assumed all the grunge looking others were just clean cut others in disguise. and another thing: are we sure there's a disease? maybe the dharma others are part of the social experiment just like our survivors! heheh

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, March 07, 2006  

  • there are the fashionable, dkny and abercrombie and fitch clothing wearing others (the ones who had claire).

    then, there are the raggity ass clothing others (the two eko killed, and the kids(?) dragging the teddy bear, without shoes).

    not to mention the group of animals that noah left behind, refusing to allow them to board his ship, during the flooding caused by el nino, which was the government's plan to stop the la riots in order to protect old navy stores in the los angeles area.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:07 AM, March 08, 2006  

  • Oh man, that Noah theory is gold.

    By Blogger Oliver Lieu, at 10:40 AM, March 08, 2006  

  • "not to mention the group of animals that noah left behind, refusing to allow them to board his ship, during the flooding caused by el nino, which was the government's plan to stop the la riots in order to protect old navy stores in the los angeles area."


    By Blogger iomegadrive, at 11:07 AM, March 08, 2006  

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